Wednesday, June 15, 2005

will this get read?
Probibly not, for I intend to post not only my english homework, how my music playing and guitar repair is going, and how my MGB-GT or MG Midget is doing but also of my depressed whining about how I wish to know what having a girlfriend is like even though it may not be the best time in my life for one.

Let me introduce myself, I am a twenty year old mennonite kid that lives just north of Chicago. I recently was a freshman at Columbia college, and am transfering to Bluffton U. in Ohio this comming fall. I am a potter of average skill, as well as a guitarest who used to play cello and would like to go back to it. I live with my parents and the last real job I had was as a roofer/contractor for someone I know who runs a business so small it doesn't leagaly exist.

I consider myself a nice guy, and I tend to treat women respectfully unless I'm sleep deprived or somthing. I do make/tell bad jokes when I am bored or nervous, so bear with me on that. I enjoy machining metal into steam engines, fixing small brittish cars, flying dual line kites, music, lititure, model making... A real jack of many trades, master of not much. As far as girls go, they eventualy tell me, "You will make a great husband one day (but I won't date you)" one even said she liked that I could repair stuff, but she already had a boy freind.

Oh did I go off on that kind of tangent again? Oh, wicked, bad, naughty, evil Zoot! Oh, she is a bad person, and she must pay the penalty. Well don't say I didn't warn you.

Maybe I should post some interesting pictures I've taken, but for now all I have is this poem, I don't claim it to be good or know what it means. All I know is I wrote it.

"Roses being blue
Lotus flowers too
This wont make sense
Let silly commence
Underneath a lavender hue"

Came to my mind in bed
as I felt half dead
poems wrote down
that go in a round
before I sleep like Nightmare Ned

Writers block asleep
so past it I creep
at twelve o' five
a paper's contrived
and I type till my brain doth weep

Roses blue
"What a thing to say"
I thought yesturday,
"How did I come up with that?"

I am sleep deprived
That's how it arived
but no matter,
It's what keeps the roses being blue.


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