Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Song personal jesus by Johnny chash
Chapter one – faith
“ two – doctrine
“ three – dogma
- Method
o Content
ß Trinity
∑ Spirit
o Church
o People
o J.C. – God relationship mediator
o Less attention
∑ God the father
o Transcendent
o Immanent
∑ Jesus Christ
o Devine/human
o suffering
- tradition
- scripture
- experince
These are three starting points to studying Christian theology.
- emancipation
o Freedom
- women’s movement
- liberation theology
o feminist theology? Possibly
o but more often in developing countries
ß Gustavo gutierriez
o Slavery
ß James cone
ß Cornell West
Ways to think of these starting points
- faith seeking understanding (a famous text)
- Catholic’s belive the bible is understood by Scripture + Tradition
- Mennonites/annabaptists agreed with martin luther that in doing theology one only needs to reflect on scripture. Sola scriptura!
o Luther thought that required experts to understand bible, but Anabaptists believe that the community of faith can understand the bible just fine.
- trinity
o God
ß creator
o Jesus
ß Person
∑ christology
ß Work
∑ Salvatinon
o Soteriology
ß Santification
ß justification
o spirit
ß church
ß eccelsiology
o Human beings
ß Theological anthropology
o Creation
o Endtimes
ß eschatology
What is creation theology and what are the end times
Think about what you would like to focus on. What theological method or place in human experince do I wan t to work from. Create a form of theology?
Rimer says:
Technology/technique of prary
Thinking that therer is a “good techniqe of prary is bad.
Techne – making – technique
Tools hands
Phronesis - Practical wisdom
Muscile movement… body
Theoria – theorectical knowledge
- mind
heresy vs. orthidox
test on Thursday, study the text.
Through chapter 6
Thursday, September 11, 2008
- dawkins
o no god says he
- god creates, world evolves
o is god connected to that evolution?
I. Kauffmen states…
a. Big bang theory
i. Described with faith based language
1. Started with a zero point, that was infinitely hot and small
2. Infinitely hot and small
b. Biological evolution
i. Evolution of life
1. science does good job of describing this.
a. Theology should learn fromscience in how to investigate things
2. Time (human)
a. Does not make sense to talk of time before abrahem
c. Cultural evolution
i. Theology
ii. Science
II. when is it useful to talk about time?
a. The beginning of our world was outside of time
b. Creation
i. Fall
1. gift of choice and beginning of time.
ii. babble
1. gift of language and diversity
iii. Before time.
1. was the Garden of Eden and the fall of man in that garden- outside of time?
iv. Genisis 1-12
1. mythic, against reason
a. not accurate in time, but in truth.
2. myths and science can be truth and agree with each other
3. a story means to explain something meant to offer truth about something
4. Creation is good! God says. J
c. The end of time, Eschaton
For th3e notes. Why is Abraham the start of time and not the end of eden.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Creation (perfect) – fall – redemption cycle
I. Creation
a. prelapsarian, before the fall
II. Fall
a. Idolitrous choice
i. Idolatrous means putting something before God
III. Redemption
As we all know frozen streams don’t flow.
Greenland’s glaciers are melting. Bangladesh could sink.
What is a sin?
Church defined.
Venial sin
Half venial/necessary sin
Mortal sin
- omission
- commission
Social verses personal/individual sin.
Sin to drive car, sin not to drive. to survive in this culture we must drive.
And in order to sustain life expotation must happen. Enviroment vs. economics
Is it still a sin if you are ignorant of committing it?
- intention
- .
- .
Invincible ignorance – don’t need to have access to a Christian church to be saved.
Hooo raH
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