Saturday, August 30, 2008

It has been roughly three years since I have used this blog. Many things have happened in my life. I got a girlfriend for 1 month or so and after she left me things went bad and she and a couple of her freinds cut and ended any comunication from me. I can only pray that it will all one day be resolved, and we can bury the ugly 800lb. gorilla. People come into our lives and quickly go, others stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts. We are never the same. And on a similer note, I once read a qoute that reminded me that happy times quickly come and go and are hardly ever remebered. But times of pain cut deep wheel ruts that are not so easily removed. I saw a life changing Phil Keaggy concert. played with a band called Anabaptist besteary project. Went to bolivia, learned to play charango....

Lots has happend, some of it good. Allot of it not so goood. But the time comes to write of other things beside the ups and downs of my life, or good ways to eat ramin noodle soup. No, I've revived this blog to fufil the obligatitory journel writing requirement of my recent Christain Theology class. this journeling includes class notes, and in this case the entry consists of the past two classes worth of notes.

Class one
Death cab for cutie’s song “different names for the same thing”

Theology’s Subject is words about god

One of the most powerful words we have is a name.

Legend of Ra and Isis was read aloud.
In Egyptian theology and in surrounding areas, a common belief is that a name is a key to power.

Moses asked God for His secret name, his powerful name. What is God’s name? God answers the him by offering a revelation to moses that whaty he offeres is better then what a majic name could offer,

This is a revelation of God to Moses who He is.
I am who I am
Ehyeh Aser Ehyeh
To be


I shale show myself in that I shale show my self as the one who will show himself

Constantly show god, who god is to the Hebrew people.

Theos can give the simplist things we do deep meaning.

Paper due Tuesday

* I believe
* “ connect with last part for intro to this part.
* ”
* “

Think theologically as a human person
Become clear lay my self down by clear water

My humble musing rusty_steele
Song today is “my bloody valentine’s” song “come in alone.”

First rule when think about gods name is that God is not a nameable thing.

Cataphatic and apophatic

Phatic speach Don’t mean words said, just implying intrest…. Aka small talk

Cataphatic, yes-speach a positive theology
Is it different then authoritative?
Apopthetic, no-speach a negative theology


Apostles creed, names for god
God, father, Creator, Jesus Christ, son, lord, holy spirit

Nicene creed
God Father almight, makier of heaven and earth, Lord jesus Christ, God of God, light of light, He,

Apostles creed probably came from Rule of faith, a statement of a single churches faith.

4th century bore many creeds.

Nicene creed written 325 in Nicea.

Pseudo-dionysius apopthetic theology

Hort reflection paper due on Tuesday

Read dogmatic theology